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Te Kura Māori o Ngā Tapuwae

Nau mai ki Te Kura Māori o Ngā Tapuwae. He momo Kura-ā-Iwi mātou kei Mangere, Tāmaki Makaurau.  He tauira tawhito te nuinga o ō mātou kaiako i Ngā Tapuwae, ā, he painga hoki tēnei hei hāpai i te whakatauki o te kura, arā, “Inā te Mahi he Rangatira”.  Ko te whakamāramatanga o tēnei whakatauki, ma āu mahi ka Rangatira ai koe.

Ko te tikanga o tēnei; hei whakapakari i ngā tauira katoa kia eke ai rātou ki ngā taumata tiketike.  Mā te whakaako i roto i tō rātou reo me ngā tikanga tuku iho, arā, Te Reo Māori me ōna Tikanga me te tautoko o te haukāinga o tēnei rohe, a Waikato.


He pakari te whakarato o ngā tauira tawhito o tēnei kura, ā, he āhuatanga hoki tēnei hei hāpai i ngā mahi huhua o te hunga mātua, me a rātou mahi kohikohi pūtea, a rātou mahi āpiti marau mātauranga.


Ko Te Huarahi Hou te īngoa o te kaporeihana kua whakatūria e te whānau.  Ko tētahi o nga mahi matua o tēnei kaporeihana, hei whakarite, kia whiwhi rorohiko ngā tauira katoa ki roto i o rātou kāinga, kia iti noa iho te utu mō ngā mātua me ngā kaitīaki.  Kua hāpai anötia te kura e tētahi kapa haka, arā, a Ngā Tapuwae o Mataoho me ōna kaihaka, arā, ngā tauira tawhito o te kura, ngā mātua me nga Kaitautoko o Te Kura Māori o Ngā Tapuwae

Tāpiri atu ki tēnei, He Komiti Mātua hoki tō te kura nei, hei tautoko anō i ngā mahi a te kura.  Ka hui tēnei komiti ia marama, ia marama, whitu karaka ki te waru karaka i te pō.


He Māori te katoa o a mātou tauira.  Nā nga āhuatanga motuhake o Te Reo Māori me ōna tikanga ka hiahia anō rātou ki te uru mai ki roto i te kura.  He mahi tā Te Kura Māori o Ngā Tapuwae, hei whakawhanake i ngā hurarahi marau mātauranga huhua me ngā whare wānaga, arā, Te Reo Rangitira, Ngā Pūtaiao, Hākinakina me te Hauora, Ngā Mahi Toi, Ngā Mahi Pakihi, me te Mahi Hāngarau, kia whakaniko hoki ngā marautanga matua me te hīranga o ngā mahi mātauranga. Kua āta tautokongia hoki ngā mahi āpiti marau mātauranga pērā I ngā hākinakina katoa, Ngā Mahi Toi me Ngā Mahi Ahurea.


I tīmata ngā tūmomo akoranga mai i ngā Tauira Urunga Hou (Tau 0) tae noa ki ngā tauira tau Tekau ma Toru (Tau 13).


Ko te painga o nga tauira i roto i ngā reanga katoa, ka taea tonutia e Te Kura Māori o Ngā Tapuwae te whāngai i te rapunga whakaaro o tēnei mea te “whänau”.  He tino whai tikanga te “whänau” i roto i Te Kura Māori o Ngā Tapuwae, ā, e mau tonu ana tēnei whakaaro i roto i ngā mahi katoa.  Ko te hua, he wāhi pai hei ako mō ngā tamariki.


Hei whakatāpiri atu ki ngā mahi whakapātari o te whakaako me te ako i Te Reo Maori, kei te āwhina ō mātou kaiako me ngā mahi whakawhanaketanga mō te Tuhi Korero, mō Te Tātai-Nama anō hoki mō ngā Tauira Māori.  Kua herea mātou ki te kaupapa o te whakawhanake i ngā rautaki hei tautoko i ngā aromatawai Reo Māori.  Ko te tino hua o ēnei mahi, me whakatinanatia tētahi rautaki aromatawai hei whakamahi mā te mōtu whānui.

School Notices

2025 Senior Students Information (19 Jan)

This is a reminder that school starts for Y11/12/13’s this week coming.


There is no bus service for seniors returning! Buses will run as normal from Thursday 23rd January.

- Monday 20th January - Y11 Course Approval 10am to 12:30pm

- Tuesday 21st January - Y12 Course Approval 10am to 12:30pm

- Wednesday 22nd January - Y13 Course Approval 10am to 12:30pm


- All classes to meet in Te Rongomau at 9:50am on their respective days.

- Bring a pen

- Come in mufti

- Lunch is provided

- Students cannot hang around after 1pm.


Full summer uniform on Thursday.

Ngā Mihi

2025 Start-Up Schedule (Updated 19 Jan)

Our first full day with all students from Years 1 to 13 will beign on Thursday 23rd of January from 8:30am to 2pm

​Pōhiri for all new students will take place on Thursday 23rd of January at 9am.

As per our normal school start-up process to help reintegrate students into their new routine we  will continue to finish at 2pm until the end of Friday 31st January 2025

Normal school Bell times will begin from Monday 3rd February

2025 Bus Information (Updated 19 Jan)

Our school buses will run from Thursday 23rd January - There will be no bus service on Monday 20th Tuesday 21st and Wendesday 23rd of January.

All 3 buses will have their normal pick-up times and then depart school an hour earlier than normal from Thursday 23rrd until Friday 31st January 2025. Their regular schedules will resume on Monday 3rd February 2025.

2025 Unirofm & Stationery List

Please find below this years uniform and stationery lists. Uniforms can be purchased directly from the Kura front office.

School Newsletters

Tēnā koutou e ngā mātua, the most recent newsletters will be posted below, if you wish to see all pānui that have been handed out this year, please click on the link below:

Ngā Panui - School Newsletters

Waea Mai: (09) 551 6161


Wāhi Noho: 1 Wickman Way, Mangere East, Auckland, 2024

© 2016 by Te Kura Māori o Ngā Tapuwae

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